Soil Videos
PED Talk Videos
Let’s celebrate the International Year of Soil with PED-TALKS! The Department of Land, Air and Water Resources and the Soils and Biogeochemistry Graduate Group held a contest to identify the best YouTube videos that convince the general public of the value/importance of soil. Both undergraduate and graduate students were encouraged to participate. The best talks will receive a cash prize ($250 for 1st place and $75 for 2nd through 5th). PED-TALKS could be modeled after TED talks http://www.ted.com/ and should be no more than 5 minutes in length. Topics can be based on one or more of the International Year of Soil’s monthly themes: https://www.soils.org/iys.
Winners were evaluated based on creativity, convincingness, quality, and originality of their presentation. The winners were announced during our International Year of Soil Event on December 5, 2014.
Congratulations to all the winners!
World Soil Day Kickoff Video featuring K-5th graders discussing "What is soil" (by A. Nguyen): link
1st place winner, Katy Dynarski (PhD student in SBG Grad Group): link
Runner-up, Gordon Rees (PhD student in SBG Grad Group): link
Runner-up, Garrett Long (MS student in SBG Grad Group): link
Runner-up, Jessica Chiartas (PhD student in SBG Grad Group): link
Runner-up, Prof. Wendy Silk’s Group song about pedon (undergrad students): link