Geisseler, Daniel
Contact Information:
Email: djgeisseler@ucdavis.edu
Phone: (530) 530-754-9637
Website: http://geisseler.ucdavis.edu/
Research Interests:
My research and outreach activities focus on nutrient turnover and plant nutrition in agricultural systems. I am interested in the effects of different management practices on nutrient use efficiency in California?s cropping systems and how nutrient use efficiency can be improved. One specific focus of my research is on nitrogen turnover in soil and ways to improve our ability to quantify the temporal availability of nitrogen from organic sources, such as soil organic matter, crop residues and animal manure. The ultimate goal is to develop accurate, user-friendly tools for growers to support their nutrient management decisions. An important part of my outreach activities is to create online nutrient management guidelines for crops grown in California. The guidelines are available here: http://geisseler.ucdavis.edu/Guidelines/Home.html