Khalsa, Sat Darshan S.
Contact Information:
Email: sdskhalsa@ucdavis.edu
Phone: (707) 205-7007
Website: https://www.plantsciences.ucdavis.edu/people/sat-darshan-khalsa
Research Interests:
My research focuses on nutrient cycling and management in tree crops integrating plant, soil and social sciences. I am interested in theĀ use of organic matter amendments in orchards, the utilization of nitrogen stabilizers in fertigation systems, remote sensing of tree physiology and nutrient status, and grower barriers to adoption of conservation practices. I work broadly on projects related to environmental quality, agronomy and adaptive management. In addition to my research in the field, I am the leader of a statewide effort to train certified crop advisors in nitrogen management where I explore other interests related to agricultural education and adult learning..